C_BrickAccessor<... > | Generic base template for Accessing brick elements using [] |
C_BrickAccessor< T, Dim< D >, Dim< F >, bool > | Last dimension Accessing brick elements using [] |
C_BrickAccessor< T, Dim< D, BDims... >, Dim< F, Folds... >, bool > | When the number of Brick dimensions and Fold dimensions are the same Accessing brick elements using [] |
C_BrickAccessor< T, Dim< D, BDims... >, Dim< Folds... >, void > | When the number of Brick dimensions and Fold dimensions are not the same \(1 + BDims > Folds\) Accessing brick elements using [] |
CArrExPack | |
▼Cst.codegen.backend.base.Backend | |
▼Cst.codegen.backend.avx512.BackendAVX512 | |
Cst.codegen.backend.asimd.BackendASIMD | |
Cst.codegen.backend.asimd.BackendSVE | |
Cst.codegen.backend.avx2.BackendAVX2 | |
Cst.codegen.backend.flex.BackendFlex | |
Cst.codegen.backend.sse.BackendSSE | |
▼Cst.codegen.backend.cuda.BackendCUDA | |
Cst.codegen.backend.cuda.BackendCuFlex | |
Cst.codegen.backend.scalar.BackendScalar | |
CBitSet | Set using bitfield |
CBrick<... > | Generic base template, see Brick< Dim< BDims... >, Dim< Folds... > > |
▼Cst.codegen.backend.base.Brick | |
Cst.codegen.backend.base.Tiled | |
CBrick< Dim< BDims... >, Dim< Folds... > > | Brick data structure |
CBrickDecomp< dim, BDims > | Decomposition for MPI communication |
CBrickInfo< dims > | Metadata related to bricks |
CBrickInfo< dim > | |
CBrickStorage | Initializing and holding the storage of bricks |
Cst.codegen.buffer.Buffer | |
Ccal_offs< offs > | Generic base template for Calculating the offset within the adjacency list |
Ccal_offs< 1, off > | Return offset when only one offset left Calculating the offset within the adjacency list |
Ccal_offs< dim, off, offs... > | Compute the offset Calculating the offset within the adjacency list |
Ccal_size< xs > | Generic base template for Calculate the product of n numbers in a template |
Ccal_size< x > | Return x when only one number left Calculate the product of n numbers in a template |
Ccal_size< x, xs... > | Head of the list multiply by result from the rest of list Calculate the product of n numbers in a template |
▼Cst.codegen.backend.base.Code | |
Cst.codegen.backend.base.CodeBlock | |
Cst.codegen.backend.base.LineCode | |
Cst.codegen.base.CodeGen | |
Cst.codegen.dag_opt.DAG | |
Cst.codegen.dag_opt.DAGnode | |
CDim< Ds > | Empty template to specify an n-D list |
CDPCBrick<... > | Generic base template, see Brick< Dim< BDims... >, Dim< Folds... > > |
CDPCBrick< Dim< BDims... >, Dim< Folds... > > | Brick data structure |
CExchangeView | PUT view of the ghost and surface region using mmap |
Cst.func.Func | |
CBrickDecomp< dim, BDims >::g_region | Record start and end of each region |
Cst.grid.Grid | |
Cgrid_access< T, dim, d > | Generic base template for Accessing grid indices using [] |
Cgrid_access< T, dim, 1 > | |
▼Cmetaclass | |
▼Cst.codegen.printer.PrinterBase | |
▼Cst.codegen.printer.Printer | |
▼Cst.codegen.backend.base.PrinterRed | |
Cst.codegen.backend.cuda.PrinterCUDA | |
Cst.codegen.backend.scalar.PrinterScalar | |
▼Cst.expr.Expr | |
Cst.codegen.buffer.BufferRead | |
Cst.codegen.buffer.Shift | |
Cst.codegen.reduction.Reduction | |
Cst.expr.BinOp | |
Cst.expr.ConstRef | |
Cst.expr.FloatLiteral | |
Cst.expr.If | |
Cst.expr.Index | |
Cst.expr.IntLiteral | |
Cst.expr.ReductionOp | |
Cst.expr.UnOp | |
Cst.func.CallExpr | |
Cst.grid.GridRef | |
Cmpi_stats | Statistics collection for MPI programs |
CMultiStageExchangeView | SHIFT view of the ghost and surface region using mmap |
▼Cobject | |
Cst.expr.Expr | |
Coclbrick | |
CMultiStageExchangeView::Package | |
CRunningTag | |
Cstatic_power< base, exp > | Compute \(base^{exp}\) Statically compute exponentials |
Cstatic_power< 3, dims > | |
Cstatic_power< base, 0 > | Return 1 Statically compute exponentials |
CStopTag | |
Csyclbrick | |
CTagSelect< select > | |
CTagSelect< 0 > | |
▼Ctype | |
▼Cst.codegen.printer.Singleton | |
Cst.codegen.printer.PrinterBase | |
▼Cst.expr_meta.ExprMeta | |
Cst.expr.Expr | |
CZMORT | N-dimensional Z-Mort ordering |
▼CEnum | |
Cst.alop.BinaryOperators | |
Cst.alop.UnaryOperators | |