Brick Library 0.1
Performance-portable stencil datalayout & codegen
No Matches
A Stencil Expression Language


This language is to capture the capability and test the various aspect of the "minimal" description for a stencil computation. We plan to support algebraic operations, transcendental intrinsics, and basic conditionals.


Computation description composes of:

  • Axis index declaration
  • Grid (one-/multi-dimensional) declaration
  • Computation graph declaration

Code generation targets:

  • C++/OpenMP
  • CUDA
  • Brick (transformed)

API Details

Computation description

Axis index declaration

Axis index is declared to be contiguous in the 0-th direction then 1-st, 2-nd, etc.

index = Index(n:Int)

Index class can be combined to form index expression

idx_expr = f(index)

Grid declaration

Grid is a multi-dimensional "conceptual" array and stored in memory according to the contiguous-ness of the axis index.

grid = Grid(backend_name: str, dimensions: int)

Computation graph declaration

Computations are constructed with class method and operator overloading with Expression class.

expr = g(grid_in(f0(index_i0),...,fn(index_in)))

Code generation

Code generation is carried out by first specifying the backend and transform the code into the appropriate abstraction

abstraction = CUDA([grid_out])


Examples are located in the stencils directory. A short example of 7-pt stencil can be expressed as follows:

# Declare indices
i = Index(0)
j = Index(1)
k = Index(2)
# Declare grid
input = Grid("input", 3)
output = Grid("output", 3)
# Express computation
# output[i, j, k] is assumed
calc = param[0] * input(i, j, k) + \
param[1] * input(i + 1, j, k) + \
param[2] * input(i - 1, j, k) + \
param[3] * input(i, j + 1, k) + \
param[4] * input(i, j - 1, k) + \
param[5] * input(i, j, k + 1) + \
param[6] * input(i, j, k - 1)

Code generation using the library interface

Stencil code includes 3 different parts:

  • The layout
  • The backend vectorizer
  • The code generation heuristics

The code generation for brick can be performed with, this will write the code to stdout:

backend = BackendAVX512()
layout = Brick(dim=[8, 8], fold=[8], prec=2)
g = CodeGen(backend, layout, dimsplit=True)
Generic base template, see Brick< Dim< BDims... >, Dim< Folds... > >
Definition: brick.h:340

Code generation with C++

Script is ended with stencil expression to generate.


See integration.

Enable Code Suggestion in VS Code

Put the following in .vscode/settings.json

"python.analysis.extraPaths": [
"python.autoComplete.extraPaths": [