Brick Library 0.1
Performance-portable stencil datalayout & codegen
No Matches
Installing this library

This guide includes how to install this library and use it as an external library in another CMake project.


  • Add -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX during the CMake configuration phase indicating where this library is to be installed.
  • Build the install target will install the header files, code generator, and relavant configuration script
  • Pass the installation path of -Dbrick_DIR=${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/brick/cmake will enable find_package(brick) to work in an external project


find_package will expose the BRICK_INCLUDE_DIR as the header installation path and all library targets exposed by the installation. Currently usable targets are as follows.

  • brick (memory mapping)
  • brick-mpi (mpi routines and constants etc.)
  • brickhelper (compare and data copy between brick and arrays)

Setup after importation

The vector scatter CMake functions will work out-of-box. What needs to be setup after find_package includes the follows:

  • Any used external dependencies: OpenMP, MPI, OpenCL, rt etc.
  • Any compilation flags: -march=native -O2
  • Any predefines that are used by the headers: DECOMP_PAGEUNALIGN and BARRIER_TIMESTEP


See examples/external